Note (from Robin):

It doesn´t matter in which branch you are, if you don´t follow this guy you will be always quite a few steps behind! Also highly recommend his Facebook-Posts. You can find him here:

When I talk to people who want to get help for their business, my first question is: „Do you read“? There is soooo much free and beautyful „Stuff to read and hear“ out there, you could build your own empire from :-).

I can´t help you much, there are people like him out there who will help you make the right desicions.

Don´t talk. Listen and take action!

The threads of our past may be killing our future (Four minute read) Sometimes the only way to save a business is to destroy it. A single, flimsy thread can’t do much harm to you. Threads are usually just little cotton strands that a child can snap with her little fingers. Thousands of threads, especially […]

über Sometimes the only way to save a business is to destroy it…. one thread at a time — Thomas Plummer

Abonniere ROBSTR

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