Why the TwoMinuteClassRoomMove (2MCM) exists – Background

We don´t have to explain to a teacher anymore, that physical movement has to be an essential part of life for us humans.
Also we would like to save some time, not to write about the fact, that this physical movement has disappeared from our daily lives.
And we do not go into, how such an extreme lack of movement will affect us humans in the future.

All this, is meanwhile numerous occupied and confirmed.


Let us get into the DOING.


Let’s call it the „McDonald’s principle“

The main target group of this fast food chain are: Children.
In these fast food restaurants you will find playgrounds, children’s birthday parties, toys, children’s TV, etc. and everything is represented by a clown.
The children are supposed to be given a lot of positive emotions by visiting the restaurant. Fun, good mood, reward, play, etc. Everything that children enjoy.
Even when they then grow into teenagers and young adults, they will always associate this fast food product with these positive emotions, they have experienced as a child. They have been conditioned by the „McDonalds principle“ in such a way, that they will always feel good when thinking of this fast food chain in further life.

The social acceptance – to consume these products in everyday life – grew over the years and is now unthinkable without them.


Let’s call them „exercise bums“

Not only have many high school and college students spent almost their entire school/study career sitting, they will most likely continue to spend the rest of their working lives in a seated position. Physical exercise was not a part of their daily lives for very long, if at all.

…fast forward a few years….

Time passes quickly and movement has then moved so far into the background for these former students in recent years, that they could no longer relate to it, nor build up any acceptance of it.

In short, most of them feel no desire to move at all.

They become then exactly the persons, who damage their health with the many years behind the desk and the thereby inevitable lack of movement.

They are then usually also the people, who often feel very strange and alien to participate at all in movement offers.


Let us imagine

Now let’s imagine, that these individuals had experienced the „McDonald’s Principle“ in form of „Exercise“ at a young age.

Let’s imagine, that they had learned as children and adolescents, that taking regular short exercise breaks can be just as successful for their health, as daily teeth-brushing is for their oral and dental hygiene.

Let’s imagine, that they had already realized as children and adolescents, that taking regular short exercise breaks, give the body more energy and hence a better performance.

Let’s imagine, that already as children and adolescents they had realized, that taking regular short exercise breaks…

  • can be a release valve for pent-up aggression
  • improve attention and concentration
  • lift the mood
  • improve the day
  • lead to a better feeling in the body


The social acceptance – to include these short movement units in daily life on a regular basis – would be unthinkable without it by now.


How was it earlier and how is it today?

The way exercise was part of daily life just a few years/decades ago, whether for pure survival or recreation, is no longer in vogue today.

Our everyday exercise profile is changing rapidly as technology advances. Whether it is the change in leisure activities or our daily way of working. The essential life component of „movement“, is reducing at the same pace in parallel with technological advancements.


What do we need to understand?

We have to understand that we can no longer offer „movement“ in the way we are used to in the past.
We can’t fit the movement concepts of the past into the everyday life of today and assume that they work.

We have understood that we have to act.

Let’s move from talking to doing.

From movement concepts that don’t work, to the TwoMinuteClassRoomMove!

The vision of the 2MCM is to build huge social acceptance for health-promoting offerings in the future.


Why is the 2MCM different?

The biggest difference of the 2MCM from all other movement offers and the main factor why it not only makes you think differently, but also implements a movement offer in a new way right away, is the following.

Previously, teachers or students always have to proactively approach movement opportunities.
This means that in order to use the movement offer, they have to, for example:

  • Have to move to the gym
  • Have to make other room changes
  • Have to reserve and then pick up mobile assistive technology carts/boxes
  • Organize other pre-registrations and advance planning
  • Are dependent on a specific day or time and thus have to wait
  • Etc.


The 2MCM turns this around 180°!

The student no longer has to proactively approach the movement offer, the movement offer comes directly to the student. Into the classroom. To the students place.

The 2MCM simply changes the platform where the movement offer takes place. Adapted to the conditions of the environment (classroom).
The 2MCM completely relieves the teachers of the work of organizing, preparing and carrying out such movement breaks themselves.
The 2MCM takes care of everything for them.

However, teachers will benefit from the positive effects that this „120 seconds Energy PitStop“ brings.
At the end of the day, all it takes is the commitment and courage of the teacher, as well as the support of the school administration, to incorporate the 2MCM videos into the classroom.


2MCM BetaPhase

We know that the user-friendliness, the loading times and the design of the 2MCM are crucial for its success.

This version here, free to any teacher, is the BETA version of the 2MCM and is intended to be available for any teacher to try out.
We know that with this BETA version, we can give you the „flavor“ of the offering very well. The „look“ and „structure“ of the offering will be based on the standards of well-known streaming platforms in the future.

Also, the number of videos in this BETA version is reduced to a minimum.


Share the 2MCM among your colleagues

The BETA version of the 2MCM is designed to be freely available to all interested teachers and schools. They may try out as much as they like.

We only have one request.

Please give us Feedback.

The 2MCM will be further developed by your feedback. We want the 2MCM to work in the classroom.
Since we have not yet made the feedback form available in English, we ask you to send us all your suggestions, wishes, ideas and criticisms by email.

Every message is welcome.

No ideas are too „crazy“. Anything that makes the kids and teens have fun and want to move, will be considered.


Info (at) TwoMinuteClassRoomMove.com


Important Information

The use of the videos is at your own risk. The provider assumes no liability for damages that happen due to the implementation of the videos.
If you have concerns about „too dangerous“ content in the videos, let us know immediately.

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