– All Information –
The digital teaching tool for
short „movement snacks“ in the classroom
– Two minutes of on-the-spot movement via video streaming –
The mission of the TwoMinuteClassRoomMove is to enrich, facilitate and diversify the work of teachers all over the world. The very medium, that is mainly responsible for the lack of movement, should also be used to give the children and young people more energy, attention and concentration again and thereby also create an awareness of movement and health for their future lives.
Due to the early stage of development of this platform, we provide all further information about the 2MCM for international visitors in person.
Please feel free to contact us at any time: Info(at)
The TwoMinuteClassRoomMove (2MCM) is a videoplatform for teachers, where they can access two-minute videos to play directly into the classroom.
All videos are available in english and german language.
This BETA version of the 2MCM is absolutely free of charge and freely accessible for every teacher.
Click on the Quick Access Ticket and it will take you directly to the videos and you can start right away. (Password: 2mcm)
- Learn in „How To Use“ how to access the video platform, the password and how to use the videos.
- In „WHY“ you will learn the most important background why we had to develop the 2MCM.
We ask all international visitors to this site to contact us for more information about the 2MCM. We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to provide you with more information at any time. Either in a personal conversation or even in the form of an information session at your teaching institution.
And now have fun and success, trying out the TwoMinuteClassRoomMove in your classroom.
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